We offer the following General English Intensive ESL group courses.
Intensive English ESL Group course with 15 lessons per week
The Intensive course consists of two hours of English as a second language and one hour of Intensive conversation a day. The recommended time to complete this course is 26 weeks but this course can also be taken is sessions of 4 weeks at a time.
This course is considered by authorities a recreational course and does not qualify students to apply for the Student Visa (F-1), through our school or any other school under American Authority. The minimun hours of study required by USCIS is 18 hours per week in order to be considered a full time course and to maintain F-1 status while in the United States of America.
Intensive English ESL Group course with 20 lessons per week
This course provides the student with strong communication skills and grammar. The 20 hours per week are subdivided into 10 hours of grammar, 5 hours of conversation and 5 hours of pronunciation. Students usually change classrooms and groups between classes. They study with teachers specialized in teaching different skills. The diversity in the classroom allows the students to practice English and make friends with students from different countries.
Intensive English ESL Group course with 25 lessons per week
This course provides the student with strong communication skills and grammar. The 25 hours per week are subdivided into 10 hours of grammar, 10 hours of conversation and 5 hours of pronunciation.
Intensive English ESL Group course with 30 lessons per week
This course provides the student with strong communication skills and grammar. The 30 hours per week are subdivided into 10 hours of grammar, 10 hours of conversation and 10 hours of pronunciation.