Vacation and Holidays

The school will be closed on the following dates:

January 1 & 18, February 15, May 31, July 5, September 6, October 11, November 25 & 26, December 24.

2010 Starting Dates and Tuition Fees

Starting dates: any Monday
  Intensive English
24 lessons per week
Intensive English
16 lessons per week
TOEFL Preparation
24 lessons per week
1 week $300 per week $275 per week  
2 - 3 weeks $290 per week $255 per week  
4 weeks $290 per week $245 per week $290 per week
5 - 11 weeks $275 per week $245 per week $275 per week
12 - 15 weeks $265 per week $230 per week $265 per week
16 - 19 weeks $255 per week   $255 per week
20 - 23 weeks $245 per week   $245 per week
24+ weeks $240 per week   $240 per week
Prices listed are per week. As you can see, we offer a built-in discount depending on duration of the course. If you want to take a course for 2 weeks, the tuition fee for the Intensive course with 24 lessons a week is $580.00 ($290.00 per week), but if you take the same for 12 to 15 weeks, you can save $25 every week!

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English plus Art

Tuition Fee
12 weeks $4,595.00
24 weeks $8,880.00

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Junior Winter ESL Courses

With Homestay Without Homestay
1 week $599.00 $319.00
2 weeks $1099.00 $529.00
3 weeks $1599.00 $749.00
4 weeks $1999.00 $899.00

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Junior Summer ESL Courses

Tuition Fee
1 week $335.00
2 weeks $650.00
3 weeks $945.00
4 weeks $1,200.00
5 weeks $1,400.00
6 weeks $1,620.00
7 weeks $1,750.00
8 weeks $1,840.00

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Accommodation Fees

Host Family with Breakfast and Dinner $250.00 per week

Other Fees

Application fee* $150.00
Course Registration* $100.00
Homestay placement* $150.00
Text book Fee**  
Student ID card (optional) $5.00
Airport pickup (JFK and LGA only) (one way) $150.00
* - non-refundable
** - Depends on level and is not included in tuition fee

All prices are subject to change without notice.

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